Polygonatum odoratum increases villagers’ income

Jun Fri 2024
“As a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, polygonatum odoratum has good market benefit. Last year, we planted 100 mu (about 6.67 hectares) of polygonatum odoratum. It grows well now and will have a good harvest,” said Long Yeshun, Party secretary of Pailaguang Village, Mao’er Township, Huayuan County, looking at the planting base.

In recent years, Pailaguang Village has planted traditional Chinese medicinal materials relying on its unique natural conditions and ecological environment, and promoted the standardization and industrialization of traditional Chinese medicinal material cultivation to increase efficiency and boost rural revitalization.

In 2023, 100 mu (about 6.67 hectares) of polygonatum odoratum was planted under the cooperation agreement of the village collective and Hunan Gaoshan Yuzhu Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. An industrial development model of traditional Chinese medicinal materials mainly including polygonatum odoratum has been formed to make use of idle land and help villagers nearby achieve employment.

It takes 2 to 3 years for polygonatum odoratum to be harvested. Villagers can work at the planting base all year round. At present, in order to provide a good environment for the growth of polygonatum odoratum, villagers are busy weeding it.

“Since the establishment of the base, older villagers who cannot go out to work have benefited the most. Now we can earn over 90 yuan a day by weeding,” said a 75-year-old villager from Pailaguang Village. She earns some money at the base during slack farming season to support her family.

Polygonatum odoratum has a sweet taste and a slightly cold nature. Its roots and stems can be used as medicine, and have the effects of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, and quenching thirst. As an economic crop, it can be used as both medicine and food, with high added value and broad market prospects.

The polygonatum odoratum in Pailaguang Village is expected to be harvested by 2025, with an expected yield of 250,000 kilograms and a total output value of about 4 million yuan.

“This year, we will continue to plant 100 mu (about 6.67 hectares) of polygonatum odoratum to provide more jobs for villagers at their doorstep,” said Long Yeshun. Next, the village will continue efforts to optimize the layout of the traditional Chinese medicinal material industry, adjust the planting industry structure, and improve the quality of polygonatum odoratum, injecting new vitality into rural revitalization.
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